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CIRUS: Chinese Investment Rules

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CIRUS Database (forthcoming)

This database evaluates the practices of all major Chinese investors worldwide (particularly with regards to social and environmental criteria). Employing machine-learning text analysis of newspaper articles it assesses to which extent investors fulfil social and environmental criteria using the OECD's Guidelines for MNEs as a benchmark. The database also provides detailed information about the almost 600 large Chinese investors present worldwide

Publications (forthcoming)

Here you will find publications from our team 


Here you will find information about the team's participation in academic events and other outreach activities



This project funded by the German National Science Foundation (DFG) evaluates the practices of Chinese investors in order to develop a novel theoretical perspective on the role of multinational corporations from Emerging Economies re-shaping global norms. The study will develop an innovative and timely approach to Chinese investments. A first part will employ machine-learning text analysis of newspaper articles to create a new and highly original database (CIRUS, for Chinese investment rules). This publicly available database will support societal interests, facilitate research on Chinese firms and their impact on global economic governance by industry associations, academics, think-tanks, journalists, etc. A second part will test and deepen the proposed theory of how the BICs (specifically China) may be altering global rules through their investors’ behaviour in terms of their alignment or lack thereof with best practice. The project also seeks to understand the degree and means by which the Chinese leadership is able to shape the behaviour of these investors.


Project Started


Chinese Investors Evaluated

Team Members







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Postal Address 

Prof. Dr. Omar Ramon Serrano Oswald (欧山)

Bern University of Applied Sciences 
Business School
Institute for Marketing & Global Management
Brückenstrasse 73
3005 Bern, Switzerland 

© 2023 by Omar Ramon Serrano Oswald

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